Publisher – Institut Perakaunan Negara
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) – ISSN 2180-4508
Electronic International Standard Serial Number (eISSN) – eISSN 2682-9347
Established – 2010
DOI – 10.58458/ipnj

Publishing Frequency – Two issues (June & December) per year (from 2023 onwards)

The Scope of This Journal

The IPN Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management is an open-access, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal of the National Accounting Institute, Accountant General’s Department of Malaysia. Manuscripts appropriate for publication in this journal include critical reviews of best practices in public sector management and accounting, theoretical and conceptual syntheses, literature reviews and empirical research using quantitative or qualitative methods. The journal publishes original works covering innovative research and practice in various public sector accounting and management areas.

Why Write for This Journal? As public sector plays a vital role as an enabler and facilitator of private sector initiatives by providing efficient delivery systems and customer-focused service, this journal could be a reliable and valuable source for public sector managers and researchers in looking for fresh ways in dealing with problems. The journal will be widely circulated to various government agencies throughout Malaysia. Hence, we will ensure that the quality of the journal is of the highest quality possible.

Copyright Authors must ensure that their manuscripts do not infringe any existing copyright. Manuscripts submitted to this journal should not have been published or are being considered for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance and publication of the manuscript, authors automatically transfer the copyright of the manuscript to the publisher without relinquishing the author’s own proprietary right. 

The transfer of copyright will grant the publisher to permit educational and non-profit institutions a non-exclusive license to re-publish the manuscript in whole or in part for personal or classroom use without fee, provided that correct attribution and citation are made and this copyright statement (Copyright © 2023 National Accounting Institute, Accountant General’s Department of Malaysia. Re-printed with permission) is reproduced. Any other usage is prohibited without the express permission of the publisher.

Open Access Policy IPN Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

Publishing Charge IPN Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management does not charge authors fees for publishing an article. The journal is a publication fully funded by the Accountant General’s Department of Malaysia.

Advertising & Marketing Policy At present, IPN Journal does not publish any commercial advertisements for revenue.

Any direct marketing activities, including solicitation of manuscripts conducted on behalf of the publisher and journal, shall be appropriate, well-targeted, and unobtrusive. Information provided about the publisher or journal is expected to be truthful and not misleading for readers or authors.

  • We welcome article submissions from local and international researchers and practitioners on best practices in public sector management and accounting, theoretical and conceptual syntheses, literature reviews and empirical research using quantitative or qualitative methods.
  • All manuscripts must be written in rich text format only (MS Word) and can be submitted via our website or email to: We will try to respond to all authors within two months from the date the manuscript is received.
  • IPN Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management does not impose any charges on a submission or publication.
  • Please also feel free to give us a ring 03-8324 4400 or email to: should you have any questions regarding publishing your manuscript in this journal.

Language Policy
The journal accepts manuscripts written in English and Bahasa Malaysia only.

Manuscript Length & Typing
The submission file should be in rich text format only (MS Word) and the manuscript length should be in the range of 3,000 to 7,000 words, exclusive of tables, figures, and appendices.

Title Page
Include a separate title page with the title of the manuscript, author’s name, affiliation, address, phone number, fax number and email. All correspondence will be directed only to the first author.

An abstract of 150 to 250 words outlines the purpose, scope and conclusions of the manuscript as well as five selected keywords. If the manuscript is written in Bahasa Malaysia, an abstract in English should be provided. Authors must supply a structured abstract in their submission:

• Purpose (mandatory)
• Design/methodology/approach (mandatory)
• Findings (mandatory)
• Research limitations/implications (if applicable)
• Practical implication (if applicable)
• Social implications (if applicable)
• Originality/value (mandatory) 

Figures and Tables
All figures (charts, graphs, drawings etc) and tables should be titled and numbered. Figures and Tables should supplement the text and not duplicate it.

Use a separate page for appendices (if required). Provide each appendix with a title.

Include an acknowledgement section to give appropriate recognition to all contributors.

Reference Citations
Reference to other publications must be in American Psychological Association (APA) citation and format style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency.

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